After creating your solar site (instructions on creating a solar site can be found here), the Utility window will appear. 

The utility, territory, and rate schedule will auto-populate for the area where the home is. Should any of these need to be changed, a different option can be selected in each Utility dropdown menu.

Clicking Enter Usage opens the Monthly Electricity Usage window with the typical usage in the area. Utility usage can be entered on a monthly basis (KWH), or, if Custom Average Rate is selected under Utility Rate Schedule, utility usage can be calculated by Month (KWH), Annual usage (KWH), Monthly bill ($), Annual bill ($), or Full Entry (KWH and $).

The usage for each month can be entered in this window, it is not required to enter all 12 months of usage. The histogram will be highlighted in blue for manually entered values.

If several months are entered, clicking apply will extrapolate the data and adjust the histogram based upon the entered usage. If usage data for all 12 months is entered, then the histogram will adjust to reflect each month as entered.

If a Custom Average Rate was selected, in addition to Monthly usage, Annual usage, Monthly bill, Annual bill, and Full entry utility usage inputs can be selected by clicking the arrows next to Monthly usage in the Entry mode field.

Click Continue to exit the Monthly Electricity Usage window.

Click Save & Continue to save your utility usage data and proceed to the system page. 

Instructions on how to create a new system can be found here.