When it is time for the homeowner to sign a contract, this can be done by downloading the contract for a wet signature or emailing the contract for electronic signature.  After pressing the 'SEND E-SIGN' button, the contract is emailed to the first recipient.  


This recipient may vary depending on the contract and whether credit was conducted through the platform.  

If a contract has fields intended to be filled in by the contractor, the contract is first sent to the contractor who was logged in when 'SEND E-SIGN' was clicked.  If you are unsure whether the contract has input fields, please reach out to your channel partner.  Please note that if there are no contractor input fields, the contract delivery will skip the contractor and proceed to the homeowner. 

If credit is integrated for a product within the platform, the e-mail address entered in the credit application will be next in line to receive the contract.  This email is the legal e-mail address.    

If there is not a credit application conducted with an integrated product on the platform, and thus there is no legal e-mail address, the contract will be delivered to the email address entered in the contact field on the site page.