To perform a re-sign for a job created via API that already has a signed contract, follow these steps:
Create new system and quote using the same composite quote call used during initial quote creation.
Specify the original SolarSite UUID
Provide new system information
Provide new quote information
Generate contract / send contract out for signature using new quote UUID
Signed contract will return to Sighten system and a completely new operations workflow will be created for this new contract.
Update New Information :
If contact or address data needs to be updated, contact your account representative.
Utility, or usage data needs to be changed, update this on the site page in the Sighten UI. This cannot currently be done via API.
Note that the address cannot be updated.
Changes to the contact name and email address likely will not impact new contracts, as the contact information associated with the credit approval is used for the contracts.
If the system design needs to be updated, create a new system using the original solar site uuid and new system information.
Credit: If the homeowner needs to re-apply for credit, this can be done by canceling and re-initiating via API
Quote creation & selection: make a new call to create the quote you would like to use for the resign (send_contract). It’s fine to use all the same quote inputs that were used for the originally signed quote.
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